On the occasion of the 84th birthday of His Holiness Pope Francis, the leadership of the Croatian Royal Council sent an official birthday congratulation on December 17, 2020.
In the congratulation letter, they humbly wished His Holiness enjoy happiness and fulfillness in his life, that he may serve long on the throne of Saint Peter and bring upon the peoples the teachings and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the letter they mentioned that they are pleased to see that His Holiness is active in establishing and protecting the mandate of peace. They also asked His Holiness that he blesses our Croatian nation and pray for its loyalty and devotion to Christ the King. In the end they stated that they will pray for His Holiness the Pope, that He may lead and rule over his faithful wisely and serve Christ a long time.
His Holiness Pope Francis was born on December 17, 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Ordained in 1969, he soon became Provincial superior of the Jesuit Order in Argentina. He was appointed and enthroned as Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998, while he was elevated to the rank of Prince of the Church as a cardinal in 2001. After the abdication of his predecessor, His Holiness Pope-Emeritus Benedict XVI, he was elevated to the throne of Peter after the Conclave in March 2013 as Pope Francis. He is the first pontiff from both Americas in the history of the papacy.

Croatian Royal Council
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