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A member of the CRC donated a vehicle to a family affected by the earthquake in Banovina

Writer's picture: HKRVHKRV

A member of the Croatian Royal Council donated his personal vehicle to a family affected by severe earthquakes in the Banovina region of Central Croatia. We convey to you a truly extraordinary news and an act so noble that it provokes only a deep bow gratitude in the hope that it will inspire others to enact such good deeds.

Our volunteer from Zagreb donated his family vehicle - the Citroen Xsara Picasso. Motivated only by desire to assist, he requested to remain anonymous. His only wish was to find a family with small children and, in these moments of crisis and fear, assist with providing them with means of transportation. Once such a family was found that fit the description and desperately needed this help, before donating it -our member had his vehicle inspected, insured and then registered for a year, ensuring a truly headache free transfer. The family that benefited from this noble act lives in Šatornja, near the city of Glina and is composed of parents that are blessed with three daughters and a young son. Due to the need to protect the privacy of the benefactors and the desire of the donator to stay anonymous, we are only sharing partial photo of this event (below).

As some of you already know, the Croatian Royal Council (CRC) continues to assist victims of the earthquakes that devastated central Croatia. Our presence, in cooperation and coordination with governmental and nongovernmental organizations, will be needed for moths to come. But, it is times like these that offer a silver lining. We get to see those that truly are of a noble heart and love of homeland in action. One of our own, the CRC member and volunteer, just donated his own vehicle to a family that suffered catastrophic set of material losses during these earthquakes. Earthquakes that destroyed thousands of buildings in central Croatia. We are sharing this truly rare yet noble act that demands our respect and hope that it will motivate others to replicate such deed.

We call all our current and potential future members to take this noble deed as one worth following. Make a difference! Extend a helping hand to those that have lost everything in the last few weeks. As for activities of our organization, We are pleased to report that our volunteers have consistently been in the field, assisting families in need, as well as documenting and protecting our Croatian cultural heritage. We plan to continue our humanitarian and professional work.

Ovom prilikom pozivamo sve članove i simpatizere Hrvatskog kraljevskog vijeća da slijede ovakav plemeniti čin i odluče se iskoračiti i pružiti ruku potrebitima i stradalima u teškim potresima koji su pogodili Središnju Hrvatsku, a napose prostor Banovine. Hrvatsko kraljevsko vijeće skuplja donacije koje idu za nekoliko humanitarnih aktivnosti, a jedna od trenutnih je skupljanje donacija za pomoć obnove i izgradnje doma jedne obitelji iz Umetića koja je teško stradala u potresu.

We are currently executing a collection drive in order to assist a family from Umetic with a complete rebuild of their family home. Should you choose to do so, you can support our efforts by donating (account information provided below)

Recipient's name: Hrvatsko kraljevsko vijeće

(Croatian Royal Council)

IBAN: HR81 2340 0091 1110 8158 5


Bank: Privredna banka Zagreb

Description: Donation

Croatian Royal Council



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