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Last farewell to HRH Amedeo Zvonimir


On the occasion of the passing of HRH Amedeo Zvonimir Savoy-Aosta, Prince of Croatia and the Duke of Aosta, a Requiem Mass was held in Florence, as well as a Memorial Mass in Zagreb, during which many people got a chance to give their last farewell to His Royal Highness.

HRH Amedeo Zvonimir Savoy-Aosta, Prince of Croatia and Duke of Aosta, born on September 27, 1943, he was the son of Aimone Tomislav II, the last person in history to bear the title of Croatian King, in the same year, with the abdication of his father, all rights and titles passed onto him. During his life he had good relations with Croatia, which he visited several times. HRH Amedeo Zvonimir passed away in the morning hours of June 1, 2021 at the age of 77. He left behind four children, of whom his son HRH Aimone became the next heir to the dynastic rights and titles.

You can read more about the life of Amedeo Zvonimir and his father here:

Rest in peace HRH Amedeo Zvonimir, Prince of Croatia and Duke of Aosta
1943 - 2021

Requiem mass in Florence

The funeral of HRH Amedeo Zvonimir was held in the basilica of St. Minias in Florence (Basilica di San Miniato al Monte) on June 4th, 2021., starting at 11:30 AM. The Requiem mass was held by Reverend Gianni Bernardo, the abbot of the Olivetan Order (OSB Oliv). Members of the Savoy-Aosta family were present, as well as many other representatives, mostly from various Italian organizations and associations. The sendoff was accompanied with many expressions of condolences which were send from most current and former ruling families and noble and aristocratic organizations from Austria, United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Brazil etc. Among them, the Croatian Royal Council also sent their condolences. The honor guard was held by the members of the Italian navy. After the Requiem mass, many condolences were given to the widow, HRH Princess Silvia, his children and their families, among which specially to HRH Aimone, the new head of family. HRH Amedeo Zvonimir’ earthly remains will be permanently laid to rest in his family’s tomb in Turin.

Memorial Mass in Zagrebu

On the occasion of the passing of HRH Amedeo Zvonimir, who held not only the title of Duke of Aosta, but also the title of Croatian Prince, on the 8th June a Mass of Remembrance was held for him in the Church of Saint Blaise in Zagreb. The Holy mass was held by Reverend Anđelko Katanec, during which a special dedication was given for the soul of the deceased. The Holy mass was attended by members of the Croatian Royal Council, who paid their respects and sent their last salutes to the deceased Amedeo Zvonimir.

Image sources (RCDS i HKRV)

Croatian Royal Council


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