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Marking the centenary of the death of Blessed King Charles IV Habsburg-Lothringen

Writer's picture: HKRVHKRV

On the 1st of April 2022, the Croatian Royal Council marked the centenary of the death of Blessed Croatian King Charles IV through a series of events in Madeira and Zagreb

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the tragic death of King Charles IV. (Cro: Karlo IV.) Habsburg-Lothringen, the only Croatian King to become a Blessed of the Catholic Church and the last legitimate Croatian Monarch under Zvonimir's hereditary right and tradition. On this occasion, the Croatian Royal Council participated in a series of events in Madeira and Zagreb to mark this great centenary and thus pay tribute to our last legitimate King and his legacy that we inherit as legitimists and as faithful Catholics.


The Pontifical Holy Mass in Latin was celebrated in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption (Sé Catedral de Nossa Senhora da Assunção) in Funchal, Madeira. The Holy Mass was attended by members of the imperial and royal family of Habsburg-Lothringen HRH Crown Prince Charles (Cro: Karlo, Ger: Karl), Prince George (Cro: Juraj, Ger: Georg, Hun: György), Archduke Ferdinand Zvonimir, Eduard, etc., Archduchess Ana Gabriela and hundred of other members of this glorious family. Along with them were guests from various royal houses, representatives of state and local authorities and dignitaries of the Church. Among the Orders and organisations it is worth mentioning the members of the Order of Malta, the Order of St. George, Order of St. Constantine and George, Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus, the (Hungarian) Order of Vitéz, etc., members of the Gebetsliga, the Koruna Česká and many other organisations and historical regiments. The Mass was attended by members of the Croatian Royal Council, Count dr. Giuseppe pl. Rizzani and honorary member Charles A. Coulombe. After the service of the Mass, a reception for the distinguished guests was organised in the sacristy, after which the guests headed to the church of Our Lady of the Mount.

Holy Mass in the Cathedral church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Funchal, in the first row HRH Crown Prince Charles (Cro: Karlo), Archduchess Ana Gabriela and Prince George (Cro: Juraj)

The Church of Our Lady of the Mount (Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Monte) is also located in Funchal, and is the last resting place of Blessed King Charles IV. His tomb is located in a small side chapel decorated with flowers and ribbons of all colours of the nations of the former K. u. K. Monarchy. Here the guests could pray in front of the tomb of Blessed Charles and participate in the blessing of the Sacrament. Among many organisations and official representatives, the dignitaries of the Croatian Royal Council, led by Counte Rizzani paid homage and prayed in front of the tomb of Blessed King Charles IV. After the service, the gathering of about a hundred members of the Habsburg-Lothringen family led by HRH Princes Charles and George was especially impressive. A pleasant impression was given by attendance of HRH Archduke Ferdinand Zvonimir who is is especially popular among Croats, being named after the famous Croatian king Zvonimir and as he gladly points out the fact that he was baptised in Zagreb. In addition to the days of this great centenary, a number of cultural events were organised that also preceded this day (concert, exhibitions), while the day itself ended with a festive reception. On that occasion, the official letters of the Croatian Royal Council was given to Crown Prince Charles and Archduke Martin.

Gathered members of the Habsburg-Lothringen family and pictures of the tomb of Blessed Charles and church of Our Lady of the Mount

Count dr. Giuseppe pl. Rizzani giving the official letters of the CRC to Crown Prince Charles and Archduke Martin 


Due to the difficult condition and damage of churches after the earthquake in the city center, a Holy Mass was organised in the church of St. Quirinus on Pantovčak, led by the Reverend M.Sc. Marko Kovač, Chancellor of the Archbishop's Spiritual Council. The Mass was organised by members of the Croatian Association for the Beatification of Queen Zita. Along with many, especially young people, the Mass was attended by members of the Croatian Royal Council led by the Secretary Mr Borna Kuri and Sir Domagoj Jurčić pl. Jurjević de Tuol, representative of the CRC's House of nobility, the event was supplemented with the royal flag of the Land of the Crown of Zvonimir. Many guests and organisations attended the Mass, including the prayer group and program of the Brotherhood of Blessed Charles, Historic Karlovac Civil Guard, Historic Zrinski Guard from Čakovec etc. During the Mass, guests had the opportunity to prey and held devotion to the relic of Blessed King Charles IV. For the needs of Laudato TV, our Secretary, Mr. Kuri, made a brief statement and interview.

Holy Mass in the church of St. Quirinus on Pantovčak in Zagreb

Lectures on the occasion of the centenary To bring closer the life and reign of Blessed King Charles IV we invited two lecturers who completed the celebration of this centenary by holding interesting lectures. They gave answers on series of questions related to the life, upbringing, rule, death and canonisation of King Charles IV and Queen Zita. The Host was our member Miss Valentina Peršun, and the lecturers were Count Ante Brešić pl. Mikulić and Charles A. Coulombe. You can find out more about the topics of dualism, trialism, the Great War, the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and Croatia at that time in the following links, lectures are in English to bring the topic closer to a wider audience:

Blessed Emperor and King Charles I (IV) Habsburg - part 1 (Ante Brešić pl. Mikulić)

Blessed Emperor and King Charles I (IV) Habsburg - part 2 (Charles A. Coulombe)

Photos (G. Rizzani, C. Coulombe, J. Čížek i S. Botić)

Croatian Royal Council


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