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First Monarchists in the pub event!


5th October 2018 in Zagreb (Croatia) the first Monarchists in the pub (or Beer Hall Monarchists) event was held. This was the first social leisure informal gathering in a pleasant atmosphere of a 19th century coffee house. The events main aim is to gather monarchists, nobles or history enthusiast to talk and discuss certain subjects and topics in a informal atmosphere. The main subject of the first Monarchists in the pub was; The 100th anniversary of the trialist manifest of Emperor and King Karl I (IV) and the unification of Croatian crown lands.

On the topic of the first Monarchists in the pub event:

21 October 1918 after countless failed negotiations and attempts to reorganize the dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy into a trialist Austro-Hungaro-Croatian monarchy. The Croatian delegation led by Croatian representatives Alexander Horvat, Ivo Frank and Josip Pazmanom, as well as generals Lucas pl. Šnjarić and Michael pl. Mihaljević went to Bad Ischl to meet the Emperor and King Karl I (IV) Habsburg-Lothringen and propose the final initiative for the reorganization of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. After the Emperor agreed he issued the trialist manifest but stated that it will be only valid if the Hungarian side agrees. All previous attempts where all turned down, as the Hungarian side blocked any attempts of reorganizing the Monarchy. The next day 22nd October the Delegation went to Budapest were they met count István Tisza, who sent them on to Prime Minister Sándor Wekerle. The same day the Hungarian Council of Ministers put the proposition to the vote, after which it was agreed on, and it want into legal effect. The next day 23rd October 1918 telegrams were sent from Budapest to all State Governments in the Monarchy, the news was celebrated specially in Zagreb and Varaždin.

The Trialist Manifest of Emperor Karl in articles defines the way in which Croatia-Slavonia is united with Dalmatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatian lands in Austria (Istria) in a single, unified Kingdom of Croatia. Which then steps out of the crown union with Hungary, with a remark that until its full independence it can still use common affairs and ministries of the Hungarian-Croatian crown union. The Government is defined with the Ban (banus) of Zagreb (Croatia-Slavonia), Viceban of Zadar (Dalmatia), Viceban of Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and eventually the Viceban of Ljubljana (Slovenia). The frame for the Grand Croatian Sabor (parliament) is set, which will be held after the end of the War.

Since in that time all ready the Yugoslav movement was getting stronger specially the influence of the (Yugoslav) National Council in Zagreb. The 29th October 1918 the Croatian State Sabor (parliament) votes a decree on unification of the Triune Kingdom of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia and the city of Rijeka into a single country, which then severs all ties with Austria and Hungary (specially the Ist Article of the Croatian-Hungarian agreement of 1868). After which the Triune Kingdom enter into the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, while the National Council in Zagreb is given full government control. The Yugoslav solution only had a mild majority and a large number of the population while the large number of the population still wanted to stay in the Monarchy. The National Council fearing that it has not the majority support for the unification with Serbia, as well as fear of the returning Croatian domobran army from the Italian front, engaged in quick process of unification without any negotiation, plebiscite, referendum or general council. Without the peoples vote they unified the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs with the Kingdom of Serbia and Montenegro, forming the new totalitarian Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Yugoslavia). All opposition was imprisoned, threatened with death or executed. The National Council and the new Yugoslav country even opened fire on peacfull demonstrators 5th December 1918, leaving many dead in the aftermath.

Karls trialist manifest from 1918 is important as a fact of Croatian state continuity, although it was in effect only for all most a week, it shows the will and alternative of the Croatian nation to the Yugoslav idea and solving the Croatian question in a Karađrorđević led totalitarian Yugoslavia. This informal gathering and event was contributed with the discussion of students of history and related sciences who added to the all ready interesting conversation with their history knowledge and experience. After the topic on Karls trialist manifest of 1918, more current topics on monarchism in the 21st century were opened and set for the next subject of the Monarchist in the pub event to discuss. The event beside organizational support was also honored by the presence of members of the Croatian Royal Council.

We would like to thank all members for participating in this monarchist social gathering, which in a relaxed atmosphere of a 19 century coffee house discussed historical and current monarchist events and subjects.


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