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The process of beatification of the servant of God, Franjo Kuharić, the cardinal who baptised the future Croatian king, has begun!

Writer's picture: HKRVHKRV

Updated: Jun 2, 2024

Archbishop Kutleša confirmed the initiation of the process of beatification of Cardinal Franjo Kuharić, the famous Archbishop of Zagreb, peacemaker and advocate of Catholic society and morality

Servant of God Cardinal Franjo Kuharić (April 15, 1919 - Zagreb, March 11, 2002), Archbishop of Zagreb, was an exceptional person of the second half of the 20th century who led the care during the turning point of the Croatian nation from socialist to free society. During the last decades of the last gasps of the socialist government, he spiritually led the Croatian people through all the adversities, leaving hope and faith in Christ and loyalty to Rome. During the difficult days of the Homeland War in 1991 - 1995, with the pride of the spirit of freedom of a nation freed from the chains of Yugoslavia and socialism, he advocated the preservation of thousand-year-old Croatian tradition and history. During the many unfortunate and sad war days when the Croats waged a defensive war, many civilian casualties in Vukovar and other places, he called the Croats to be patriots as bearers of Christ's peace, saying:

Therefore, our patriotism must not be racist, imperialistic, or chauvinistic. Our patriotism is Christian! ...If my opponent burned down my house, I will not burn down his! If he destroyed my church, I will not even touch his, in fact, I will protect it. If he left his home, I won't even take a needle from his! If he killed my father, brother, sister, I will not return the same measure, but I will respect the life of his father, brother, son, sister! This is the Gospel, perhaps difficult to understand for a downtrodden and humiliated man, a downtrodden and humiliated people, but this Gospel is a pledge of victory. These must be our principles.

Although he generously supported the new Croatian government and the Croatian right to multiparty system and free elections, he was also a wise critic of those phenomena that existed then, but also those that will harm our nation and country in the future. Thus, during the conversation with the then president Franjo Tuđman, he openly criticized the pro-abortion policy of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), saying that their Christian democracy "will be tested through their attitude towards abortion". He influenced that in 1998, towards the end of his life, Franjo Tuđman finally got married in the church with his longtime partner Ankica, who had a good relationship with the cardinal and often listened to his wise recommendations. As such, he truly remained the greatest moral rock of the Croatian people in decades both difficult due to the war and socially difficult due to the transition to another form of society and government. He was a protector for every day man and a fighter for the dignity of the downtrodden man. He significantly influenced the visit of Pope St John Paul II. to Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with whom he regularly spoke. And the pinnacle of his efforts was the process of beatification of Blessed Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac, whose successor he was as the Archbishop of Zagreb.

One historical fact remains that he, as cardinal and archbishop, baptised the then newborn Archduke Ferdinand Zvonimir on September 20, 1997 in a crowded Zagreb cathedral. At that moment, the glorious old times returned to the country that had just been freed from the whirlwind of war, and Cardinal Kuharić wrote history with that event. Because it is precisely Archduke Ferdinand Zvonimir, by inheritance after his father HRH Karlo (Karl von Habsburg), who is the heir to the throne as the great-grandson of blessed Karl IV,was the last legitimate King of Croatia. The reason for this is the deep friendship and acquaintance of the then heir to the throne and Crown Prince Otto von Habsburg, who saw in Kuharić a friend and a strong moral support of our people. Cardinal Kuharić saw in Otto and his sons, as well as the newly baptised grandson, hope and a future not only for Croatia, but also for Central Europe, where he also sees Croatian belonging beyond the Balkan region which was forcely pushed on Croatia. Both advocated the idea of ​​a Christian Central Europe as the basis for the renewal of our continent, which, along with their love for their Croatian homeland, bound them together.

Archbishop Dražn Kutleša announced this good news in his opening speech on the occasion of the procession and celebration of Our Lady of the kamenita Vrata (Stone Gate) in Zagreb:

”After we asked the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints for information on whether there is an obstacle on the part of the Holy See for the process of beatification and canonisation of Cardinal Franjo Kuharić, the aforementioned Dicastery replied these days that after the surveys undertaken with regard to the Holy See, there are no obstacles to the initiation causes for the beatification and canonisation of the Servant of God Cardinal Franjo Kuharić”

The mass celebration led by Archbishop Gallagher was joined by Archbishop Dražen Kutleša, Cardinal Josip Bozanić, Apostolic Nuncio Giorgio Lingua, and Archbishops Mato Uznić, Zdenko Križić and Milan Zgrabalić, Bishops Vlado Košić, Tomislav Rogić, Vjekoslav Huzjak, Božo Radoš, Željko Majić and Roko Glasinović, Vladika Milan Stipić, Military ordinary Juraj Bogdan, and Auxiliary Bishops Mijo Gorski and Ivan Šaško, and the appointed bishop of Požega Ivan Martinović. The Holy Mass and the procession were attended by many believers, as well as representatives of the government, the city, various associations and organisation, among them members of the CRC.

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