The leadership of the Croatian Royal Council, NGO, on the 8th October 2018 with pleasure sends its congratulation to all members of the CRC, supporters and associates. On this day we celebrate the Kingdom Day, Coronation Day and Independence Day in Croatia marking these events:
976 Death of Queen-Regent Jelena ''the Glorious'' Trpimirović
1075 (or 1076) Coronation of King Dmitar Zvonimir Trpimirović
1871 The Rakovica uprising for the establishment an independent Kingdom of Croatia
1991. Croatian Sabor (parliament) decision to break all ties with Socialist Yugoslavia
2014. Decision to establish the Croatian Royal Counil, NGO

(Croatian King, 11th century)

(Coronation Church of St Peter and Moses in Solin

(Coronation Church of St Peter and Moses in Solin

(Rudolf Valdec, personification of the Triune Kingdom of Croatia, crowned with Zvonimir's crown)

(Sarcophagus of Queen-regent Jelena ''the Glorious'' Trpimirović)

(Oton Ivekovic, The death of Eugen Kvaternik, Rakovica uprising)

(''Bans Royal Guard'' at St Marks square)
Foundation of the Croatian Royal Council in 2014 and the importance of events of 8th October
In 2014, the 8th October was chosen as one of the most important dates in Croatian history to be marked as the day of the foundation of the Croatian Royal Council, NGO. Its importance as a day which marks so many important events from Croatian history as the primary celebration of the Croatian Kingdom Day, Coronation Day and Independence Day. For every monarchist with patriotic sense of duty this day marks the millennial representation of our statehood continuation. So in regards of our statehood Croatia was not created in 1991 it only restored its statehood which is over a millennia old. To all members of the Croatian Royal Council, to all supporters associates and followers we congratulate the 8th October, Croatian Kingdom Day, Coronation Day and Independence Day!

(Flag with the coat of arms of the Lands of Zvonimirs Crown)