Following the recent nationalist attacks by some radical Serbian monarchists and a failed attempt at discrediting the Croatian Royal Council (CRC), NGO, on various international internet groups and platforms within the social media. With the final aim of general rejection of the Croatian population from the idea of Croatian monarchism, discreditation of the House Habsburg-Lothringen and the rehabilitation and glorifying of the discredited Serbo-Yugoslavian House Karađorđević. After an unanimous vote, the new Decree on radical ideologies and movements, also popularly known as Lex Dule, was adopted. Its main aim is prohibiting any relationship with organizations that glorify radical totalitarian ideologies and movements from the 20th century.
Prior to making of the decision, an application was taken into account, to take uphold the state and circumstances surrounding the case of Mr Duje Jerković, who was discredit by some radical Serbian monarchists in their recent posts in various facebook groups. Mr Duje Jerković (not a member of the CRC), although a longtime member of international as well as domestic monarchist groups on social networks like facebook, in his personal naivety and the desire for co-operation and friendly relationships with some Serbian monarchists, and a personal wish for normalization of Croatian-Serbian relations. Has underwent nationalist manipulation by some Serbian monarchists and was thus, not by his full will, exploited and used as a means of nationalist propaganda by some radical Serbian monarchists in their efforts to discredit the Croatian Royal Council (CRC), the Croatian Royal House Habsburg-Lothringen and with the aim of total rehabilitation and glorification of the discredited Serbo-Yugoslavian House Karađorđević. After his personal refusal to serve these goals, his name was systematically discredited. After Mr Duje Jerkovic agreed to share his experiences and knowledge of the activities of these radical Serbian monarchists in connection with their unhonorable attempt to attack and discredit the CRC, we have taken into account his personal statement. On this occasion we fully pass his statement:

Appealed by such dishonorable conducts and the worrying rise of proponents of various twentieth-century totalitarian ideologies, members of the Croatian Royal Council (CRC) have voted unanimously on the adoption of the Decree on radical ideologies and movements, also known under its popular name as Lex Dule, which main aim is condemning and distancing from all organizations who promote or favor totalitarian ideologies, this aim to distance is in our millennial cultural and historic heritage.
This decree and proclamation will limit international cooperation with all organizations that are in a closer relationship with those organisations which in their goal, program or activities are celebrating the mentioned totalitarian features. With this proclamation, the Croatian Royal Council, NGO, holds firmly on the side of those organizations whose aim is to suppress and combat the legacy of the totalitarian systems of the twentieth century. This decision is made in the spirit of European Parliament resolution of 2nd April 2009 on European conscience and totalitarianism

Also the CRC has issued a document on false and fake orders, organizations and titles:

English translation of the decision:
Decree on radical ideologies and movements
§ 1
In order to protect and inherit the most noble heritage of the millennial Croatian culture and history, the Croatian Royal Council (CRC), NGO, issues a proclamation condemning and rejection from all sorts of totalitarian ideologies of the twentieth century. § 2
Totalitarian ideologies of the twentieth century include; Communism, Stalinism, Socialist dictatorship or unilateralism, National-socialism, Fascist dictatorship or unilateralism, every form of Monarchofascism and every form of Presidential dictatorship and Military dictatorship with visible totalitarian features. § 3
One cannot become a member of the Croatian Royal Council (CRC), if that person is a member of an association or organization that promotes the above-mentioned totalitarian ideologies § 4
The historical period of domination of the totalitarian systems on the territory of today's Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina is linked to the period from 1918 to 1990. In totality, the Croatian Royal Council (CRC) is not considered a legal or symbolic successor or inheritor of any of the totalitarian systems arising from that period, nor are they considered to be basis the of our identity. The CRC especially condemns and forbids any association and cooperation with organizations that promote totalitarian legacy and form of totalitarianism in today's Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, related to the period of the Second World War and the totalitarian Yugoslav Socialist Order and generally the (Socialist) Yugoslav Army (Partisans), the Ustasha-fascist Order and by unhonorable deeds characterized Ustasa Political-party militia (Ustasha militia), the Serbo-Yugoslav Monarchofascist Order and the legacy of the unhonorable Royal Yugoslav Army in Yugoslavia and in Exile (Chetniks). The all above mentioned as opposed to the moderate ideological way and the majority supported Croatian population, which included the Domobran Movement, the Croatian Committee, the HSS, the SP, various patriotic parties and movements. Also the CRC considers the period from 1945 to 1990 to be dominated by the totalitarian Socialist Yugoslav system which has distorted the historical continuity of statehood and self-conscience of the Croatian people and the State. § 5
The Croatian Royal Council (CRC) refuses any kind of closer international cooperation with organizations that promotes or advocates the inheritance of totalitarian systems. Also the CRC refuses any kind, and will sever all closer international relations with organizations which are in closer or friendly cooperation with or in any kind of organization which supports the above mentioned totalitarian legacy. The CRC refuses any kind of cooperation with ruling and non-ruling Royal Family Members and Associations that openly promote or advocate Rulers whose authority and rule is characterized as tyrannical within the totalitarian system of the 20th century (especially Monarchofascism). The CRC strictly forbids and refuses any kind of closer or friendly international cooperation with all kinds of organizations which are working or have an closer cooperation with Persons, Associations, Organizations, Ruling and Non-ruling Royal Members who have discredited themselves with active participation or support during the Aggression on Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (1991-1995).