Head members of the Croatian Royal Council (CRC) officially congratulated His Royal Highness Croatian Crown Prince Karlo Habsburško-Lotarinški (Karl von Habsburg) on this occasion of His Royal Highness birthday. In the congratulation they mentioned and commended his involvement in Croatian society in the past few years, as well as hope for more acctivites in the fields of Croatian culture and society.

(Officially congratulation of the Croatian Royal Council, NGO)

(HRH Croatian Crown Prince Karlo Habsburško-Lotarinški in Zagreb, Croatia)
HRH Karlo Habsburško-Lotarinški, full name Karl Thomas Robert Maria Franziskus Georg Bahnam Habsburg-Lothringen (beter known as Karl von Habsburg), is a Croatian Crown Prince, Heir to the Croatian throne and Head of the House Habsburg-Lothringen. HRH Karlo is the grandson of Blessed King Karl IV, who is the last Croatian King under Zvonimirs succession law and son the late Crown Prince Oton (Otto) Habsburg-Lothringen, who was a highly decorated Croatian patriot, statesmen, diplomat and advocate of Croatian freedom and international recognition. HRH Karlo was born on 11th January 1961, he belongs to the longest ruling Croatian Royal dynasty, of which He is its main Head and representative. HRH Karlo is the Sovereign of the Order of St George - an European Order of the House Habsburg-Lothringen, he is an representative of the Paneuropean Union, former member of the European Parliament, member of the Brethren of the Croatian Dragon ect. His long relationship with Croatia was renewed in 1990 when he first visited the Royal Capital city of Zagreb. During that time he was involved in Croatian culture and society, especially in preservation of Croatian monuments and heritage during the Serbo-Yugoslav aggression of 1991-1995. He gave all of his children also a second Croatian name; Archduke Ferdinand Zvonimir (b 1997.), Archduchess Eleonora Jelena (b 1994.) i Glorija Marija Bogdana (b 1999.). Among others he considers himself to be a Croat and continues the activities which were set down by his late father the bellowed Crown prince Otto.

(HRH Croatian Crown Prince Karlo Habsburško-Lotarinški in Zagreb, Croatia)