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Zagreb (Croatia) celebrated Kingsday and the birthday of HRH Crown Prince Karlo Habsburško-Lotarinšk


On the occasion of the celebration of Kingsday Croatia (Kraljevo) and the birthday HRH Crown Prince Karlo Habsburško-Lotarinški (Karl von Habsburg). A special celebratory edition of the popular Monarchists in the pub event was held in the royal capital city of Zagreb, Croatia.

Kraljevo (Kingsday)

A centuries old tradition which has its roots in medieval times and the Trpimirović dynasty, which was mostly associated with a Kings birthday or social festivities like the Royal fair during the feasts of St Stephan the King. In Croatia these types of celebrations were mostly associated with the birthday of the Monarch during which it was a cultural, social, economic and generally festive occasion for all social classes. Since the reign of Queen Marija Terezija (Maria Theresa) this date had a more modern style in which patriotic and national sentiments were celebrated. Specially during the reign of King Franjo Josip I (Franz Joseph) and Blessed King Karlo IV (Karl). This was one of the most celebrated national holidays and events until 1918. With the creation of the Yugoslav artificial state this events started to lose in importance. The name was described in many literary works and accounts, such as the Dramatic worked named Kraljevo (Kingsday) by Miroslav Krleža, or an account from 1826 of the Royal Fair in Zagreb. Today such holidays are part mostly in European Monarchies such as the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Untied Kingdom, Kingdom of Denmark ect. during which this has become a cultural, patriotic, tourist and public festivity.

HRH Crown Prince Karlo Habsburško-Lotarinški

Full name Karl Thomas Robert Maria Franziskus Georg Bahnam Habsburg-Lothringen (beter known as Karl von Habsburg), is a Croatian Crown Prince, Heir to the Croatian throne and Head of the House Habsburg-Lothringen. HRH Karlo is the grandson of Blessed King Karl IV, who is the last Croatian King under Zvonimirs succession law and son the late Crown Prince Oton (Otto) Habsburg-Lothringen, who was a highly decorated Croatian patriot, statesmen, diplomat and advocate of Croatian freedom and international recognition. HRH Karlo was born on 11th January 1961, he belongs to the longest ruling Croatian Royal dynasty, of which He is its main Head and representative. HRH Karlo is the Sovereign of the Order of St George - an European Order of the House Habsburg-Lothringen, he is an representative of the Paneuropean Union, former member of the European Parliament, member of the Brethren of the Croatian Dragon ect. His long relationship with Croatia was renewed in 1990 when he first visited the Royal Capital city of Zagreb. During that time he was involved in Croatian culture and society, especially in preservation of Croatian monuments and heritage during the Serbo-Yugoslav aggression of 1991-1995. He gave all of his children also a second Croatian name; Archduke Ferdinand Zvonimir (b 1997.), Archduchess Eleonora Jelena (b 1994.) i Glorija Marija Bogdana (b 1999.). Among others he considers himself to be a Croat and continues the activities which were set down by his late father the bellowed Crown prince Otto.

Special celebratory edition of the 5th Monarchists in the pub event on the occasion of Kingsday

Main topic of the debate; Monarchy, monarchism and religion

Short discussion intro:

Since the arrival of the Croats in these lands, and the foundations of the first Croatian Duchies, and their unification into the Kingdom of Croatia, whose uninterrupted statehood continuity stretched from 925 to 1918, the issues of religious relation between the Monarch, State and Church has been changed through the centuries. From the first Slavic communities and Slavic pantheon, until the reception of Christianity, organized religion plays a major role in everyday life and influence on the State. The Church and the State are inseparable, and the Church autonomy of Croatia, at the same time, also signifies its state independence from outer factors, especially during the times of personal union with Hungary. With the development of the humanistic, and especially the later enlightening ideas, which lead to the gradual separation of the Church from the State, reaching its current level during the beginning of the 20th century. The role of the Monarch in the late 19th and early 20th century, has bin the protector of all religious groups. The official religion granted the Monarch legality, while he served as a protector of the pluralistic form, in the same time being a Catholic Monarch, but a protector of his Orthodox, Jewish, Protestant and Muslim subjects. Finally, the question arises as to the importance of the act of coronation with the religious rite opposite to the public oath given to the Parliament, and by the examples of today's developed European monarchies, how much it draws from both of these practices. And which model is the best for the 21st century?

Picture attachments for the debate:

Kingsday celebration and the 5th Monarchists in the pub event:

After the end of the main debate of the 5th Monarchists in the pub, the informal socializing continued with open subjects to participate in, as well as open leisure conversation. Beside the patronage, members of Croatian Royal Council also participated in the event. In this occasion of Kingsday and the birthday of HRH Crown Prince Karl von Habsburg, the celebration continued in a more private atmosphere.

We would like to thank all members for participating in this monarchist social gathering, which in a relaxed atmosphere of a 19th century coffee house discussed historical and current monarchist events and subjects. As well as celebrated Kingsday and the birthday of HRH Crown Prince Karl von Habsburg.


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