Message of Father Luka Poljak and the leadership of the CRC on the occasion of the first Sunday of Advent and the beginning of the preparation time for Christmas
Along with Easter, Christmas is one of the most important holidays and periods of the liturgical calander for every Christian. At the same time, it is one of the most joyful periods, especially for the youngest. A period of penance, preparation, joy and care for our loved ones and community. On the occasion of the first Sunday of Advent for the members, associates and supporters of the Croatian Royal Council, we convey the messages of Father Luka Poljak and on behalf of the leadership of CRC Ante Brešić pl. Mikulić.

A message of vigilance and anticipation
Rev. Luka Poljak,
Croatian Catholic Center of Our Lady of the Great Croatian Baptismal Vow, CRC
Vigilance as a concept of liberating excellence is opposed to a concept of routine that entraps. We often hear among ourselves complaints of dissatisfaction that many things become routine for us, and lose their charm and beauty. More recently, it has even become Advent and Christmas itself. Our soul is drowsy from the daily look at the transient, monotonous, unimportant, and even sinful circumstances of the world around us, and therefore we inevitably fall into the danger of spiritual "sleep". At such a moment, we can no longer perceive Christ himself. Unfortunately, it becomes easier and easier. do. As a result, the eyes of our souls are darkened, ignored, forgotten and rejected. It seems that many in our world today are no longer able to break through the growing chaotic noise to notice the gentle, clear and deep voice of the Savior of the world. When something routine we do, we become preoccupied with our own abilities. The Christian life is not a routine, but a daily overcoming of our limitations, that is, striving towards the path of holiness. Vigilance gives us a clear direction and an incentive to achieve that goal. In order to spend this Advent in the warmth of true spiritual joy, let us cultivate an inner sense of vigilance that inspires us to find new ways of walking in holiness every day. In this, let us be most encouraged by the example of our Heavenly Mother, who at the moment of the Annunciation receives the greatest reward for her constant vigilance – the gift of the incarnation of the Savior of the whole world under her maternal heart. As we begin Advent, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ speaks to the deepest depths of the soul. He will not shout, he will whisper so that we give him our full attention - he will demand our vigilance. Let us therefore open the eyes of our soul, dare to achieve excellence through the cultivation of spiritual vigilance. Only then, we will not miss the starry glow of Christmas night. I wish the entire leadership and membership of the Croatian Royal Council a blessed period of Advent.

A message of hope and care
Count Ante Brešić pl. Mikulić, Ban of CRC
In this solemn season of preparation, penance and reflection, when we welcome one of the most important holidays for every Christian. With all the joy that this period brings and all the good wishes that we send on behalf of the CRC leadership to all our members and supporters. With all that said, we also emphasise that this is a time of concern and sensitivity towards the poverty and hardships of life for those affected in our community. Unfortunately, this period of inflation and crisis caused by various factors has hit our people and community hard. Although many members of superior authorities and local communities downplay the problem of homelessness. We cannot turn a blind eye and remain silent on the suffering of the weakest in our community, because our smallest brother is just as valuable as the biggest. The Croatian Royal Council traditionally continues this year with humanitarian work and work throughout the month of December. This year, affected by the difficult fate of members of our community without their own home, without a warm meal and without the right to a dignified life, we will strive to alleviate their difficult situation. The number of homeless people in Zagreb alone is several thousand, which is unheard of even in the most difficult wartime. Soup kitchens and shelters are under severe pressure and shortages. At the same time, the greed of consumerism is rampant in this period, so we decide to dedicate this month to helping the homeless. On this occasion, I ask all members and supporters of Croatian Royal Council to become part of the wave of change in our society, by volunteering and donating we can make changes. Therefore, I invite you to participate and stand by the example of change, because help is not charity, it is the duty of all of us!
Help the work of our volunteers and the procurement of funds for the homeless, by donating to:
Recipient's name: Hrvatsko kraljevsko vijeće
(Croatian Royal Council)
IBAN: HR8123400091111081585
Bank: Privredna banka Zagreb
Description: Donation

Croatian Royal Council