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In Zagreb, the feast of Christ the King was celebrated according to the traditional calendar

Writer's picture: HKRVHKRV

On October 29, 2023, Croatian Royal Council members attended the Holy Mass in the Church of St. Blaise in Zagreb on the occasion of the feast of Christ the King, which is celebrated on this day according to the extraordinary (traditional) calendar

In the parish church of St. Blaise in Zagreb, the Holy mass according to the traditional Tridentine rite was led by The Reverend Borna Puškarić, pastor of St. Blaise on the occasion of the feast of Christ the King, which is celebrated on this day according to the extraordinary (traditional) calendar. The Holy Mass was extremely magnificent and solemn, especially to which the choir singing the Gregorian chant contributed. During the sermon, Reverend Borna Puškarić emphasised the importance of the holiday itself, and also reminded of the current difficult situation in the world and the war in the Holy Land, calling for prayer and advocacy for peace. The Holy Mass was attended by hundreds of believers, which made the church full of believers in the spirit of celebrating this great holiday together.

The Croatian Royal Council encourages piety and spirituality among its members, especially related to tradition, therefore we are glad to maintain and encourage the spread of traditional church rites, as one of the treasures of our Church. The Tridentian Mass rite, often called the traditional Mass rite, is the form that has been transmitted and enriched in the Church for centuries as a the regular Latin, i.e. Western rite until 1962, when in 1969 the Novus Ordo and the new regular calendar were introduced. The traditional form itself was still preserved and is still present as well the traditional calendar in the extraordinary form. This was especially mentioned by the late Pope His Holiness Benedict XVI, who issued the apostolic letter (motu proprio) Summorum Pontificum in 2007, in which he laid the basis for the regulation and development of this form of devotion and celebration of the Holy mass. Finally, His Holiness Pope Francis, in his apostolic letter Traditionis Custodes, continued the confirmation of the extraordinary rite itself, although he additionally regulated it by establishing its relationship with the regular rite (lex orandi), and by setting significant new conditions that regulate the method of episcopal confirmation of rights towards priests who wish to celebrate this traditional form.

(One group of CRC members after the Holy Mass)

This holiday is one of the most important days in the religious life of every Croatian monarchist, in which the reign of Christ is celebrated, because for us Christ becomes the king of kings, by whom all kings rule and reign. The Feast of Christ the King is introduced by His Holiness Pope Pius XI through the encyclical Quas primas in 1925. Originally called Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Regis (Our Lord Jesus Christ the King), the feast was renamed to Domini Nostri Iesu Christi universorum Regis (Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe) during the pontificate of His Holiness St Pope Paul VI in order to emphasise the universality of the reign of Christ the King as the Savior of the World. This holiday is also an important reminder for current, former and future kings, princes and rulers that their authority and legitimacy comes from Christ, that they are Christ's anointed and Christ's kings. Therefore, they should always dedicate their rule and their lives to the wisdom of Christ's rule. For us, Christ as Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World) is our redeemer, our King of Kings, precisely by celebrating his title, his right and his way, which enabled us to be saved through the Church. Therefore, it is valid that Pope Pius XI said to be an impulse for us to seek peace among peoples, among rulers. Even in this time of wars in Ukraine, Armenian populated lands and the Holy Land, we should remind ourselves of this and strive for peace, as the Pope said that we strive for the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ. For us, it is also a reminder of Christ's authority that he places on rulers, kings, princes, nobles and governments that bear his seal of anointing and rights, so we must remain faithful to Christ as the king of kings, because as Bishop Robert Barron said:

"Jesus is not a president, nor a prime minister, nor a secretary general. He is a king!"

Croatian Royal Council


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