In a conversation with Ante Brešić pl. Mikulić who is an expert in the fields of iconography, iconology and symbolism about freemasonry, its symbols and its danger to society and faith.
Although the Church's position on Freemasonry has been the same for centuries, and the ban on Catholic accession has been included in canon law since 1738, many people used the lack of expressed position in Canon Law from 1983 promulgated by St. Pope John Paul II, as an attitude of slow relaxation and openness towards the issue of Freemasonry. Soon, the then Cardinal Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI), who was the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued a Declaration on Masonic Associations that reiterated the position and framed it within the new Canon Law. Despite this, the question of the existence of permitted and forbidden Freemasonry often arose, which could also be heard from certain Roman clerics. Pope Francis put an end to that, when with his permission, two days ago the instruction of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, signed by Cardinal Victor Fernandez, was published. The instruction was a response to the inquiry (dubia) of the Philippine bishop Julito Cortes and interprets the relationship and prohibition of access to Masonic organisations. On this occasion, we asked the expert in iconography, iconology and symbolism Count Ante Brešić pl. Mikulić, about the symbolism, history and dangers that masonic associations and movements can represent. ABM is a PhD student in humanities and MFA, who in his scientific work in the fields of art history, history and aesthetics deals with the topics of symbols and the attribution of symbols in fine arts, culture and society.
(Question) The Church and Freemasonry have a really long history of conflicts and disagreements, how do you comment on the decision and instruction of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and how did the need for the same arise in the first place?
(Answer) Recently, the question of the compatibility of Freemasonry and the Church has been questioned a lot from the social, theological and even scientific aspects. There were even certain voices within the corridors of the Vatican advocating the so-called reconciliation between Freemasonry and the Church. From the very beginning, the Church viewed Freemasonry in its entirety as something negative and dangerous for the Church and Christian life. Certainly, the fundamental theological - legal basis is the bull Ineminenti apostolatus of Pope Clement XII issued on April 28, 1738, which forbids all Catholics under serious offense and even excommunication access to Freemason organisations. The encyclicals Humanum Genus and Inimica Vis (to Italian priests) by Pope Leo XIII are especially important, which talk about banning Catholics from membership in Masonic organisations and especially about the threat to the Church and our faith that Freemasonry represents. This becomes the basis on which the codes of canon law are based throughout the following centuries, especially the one from 1917. Doubts have arisen since 1983, when the new Canon Law promulgated by St John Paul II significantly simplified its approach to Freemasonry, i.e. it does not mention it by name but generally determines serious offenses and excommunication when committing acts against the Church. Regarding this, the then Cardinal and future Pope Ratzinger, as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued the Declaration on Freemasonic Associations, which established the interpretation that Catholic members of Freemasonic Associations are in a state of grave sin and that, regardless of the fact that it is not mentioned by name in Canon Law, it is still it is forbidden for Catholics to join them. Some interpreted it as an empty declaration without a legal basis, because the canon law did not make it, especially regarding the dual view of Freemasonry. Today's news about the issued Docoument under the auspices of Pope Francis definitely gave a clear answer to the question of the duality of Freemasonry and attempts to relativise it through divisions into regular and irregular.
What do you mean with the duality of Freemasonry and its relativisation, what is regular and irregular?
Yes, unfortunately there are attempts to relativise Freemasonry through the existence of regular and irregular. In essence, it is about types of Freemasonry rites, i.e. as Freemasonry itself calls it regulations. Regular or regularly denotes lodges of a generally deistic or secular by nature, often mentioning the deity "Great Architect" or "Great Creator". Although they claim that it is a symbolism of our God, there is simply no basis for that claim, also secularity or openness to the fact that believers of Abrahamic faiths swear to their God during Masonic ceremonies does not make them any more acceptable in the view of the Church. Members of these rites include Scottish, English, Irish. Irregularly related Freemasonry means that which, according to them, contains certain points that, due to their ritual, do not fall into the traditional form of understanding Freemasonry. They are most often related to rituals or the addmition of members. For example, the presence of women in Masonic organisations, the presence of certain rites outside the traditional rules, the creation of lodges outside the hierarchy, etc. The most famous irregular one are the continental ones, often called the so-called Oriental ones, of which the most famous and largest is the Grand Orient of France. With these two groups, we can also include a third which are completely unrecognised organisations, that is, associations or groups of Masonic character, which use certain rituals and symbols of Freemasonry.
Last year, the Croatian Radio Television hosted Msgr Michael Heinrich Weninger who wrote the book Lodge and Altar. Have you read his book and do you think there are grounds for reconciling the Church and Freemasonry based on the difference between regular and irregular that he advocates?
I had the opportunity to read his book three years ago in 2020 when it came out, the same year the American Catholic media service Church Militant publicly warned against him and published their criticism . The book certainly tries to push the thesis of the relativisation of Freemasonry through its division into regular and irregular, it is the same topic of his doctoral dissertation. The book shows along with the history of the relationship between the Church and Freemasonry, as well as the form of Freemasonry rituals, in attempt to certainly minimise the danger and relativize it. Unfortunately, Msgr. Michael Heinrich Weninger has been repeatedly warned by church prelates regarding his pro - Masonic activities, although he is not a member of a Masonic lodge, at least as far as is known, it is dishonorable for a Catholic, let alone a priest, to be seen in Masonic society. Mons. himself. Weninger was accused by the faithful of cooperating with the Freemasons, especially celebrating a Holy mass in 2014 with the event of dedication of the new Masonic lodge in Austria and on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of a second one, which the Masonic lodge itself states as true. He personally claims that Catholics are not in a transgression by membership in regular Masonic lodges, justifying himself by the lack of mention of the punishment in Canon Law, ignoring the previous Canon Law from 1917 and the Decree of the Congregation on Freemasonry from 1983. We can also see from today's proclamation of by Pope Francis and the Dicastery that this stance and teaching represents a great error from his side.
How to recognise freemasonry, what is the danger of their symbols?
Freemasonry is very secretive, because one of their bases is perfidious work, and this perfidious and secretive work brings them into conflict with the Church, which demands openness from all. Therefore, in addition to the rituals that they themselves perform, which are based on the pseudo -messianic rabbinic order of the story of the building of the temple in Jerusalem, especially the murder of Hiram Abiff. Through these recreations that we can openly call part of the occult, even connect them with what the Holy Scriptures teach us, and what we call Satan's Synagogue. Freemasonry simply does not worship the Lord, it worships a separate deity based on an anti-Catholic attitude. The attempt to connect the "Great Architect" with our God is nothing but a perfidious deception. Their rituals clearly show us this. That act of murdering Hiram Abiff, which is recreated at every rite of initiation of a new member, is an occult rite without any debate. That rite itself cannot be Christianised or interpreted as something that is only symbolic, it is simply an occult rite. Often certain lodges and rituals even include a cross in their symbolism, interestingly that cross is devoid of Christ, perfidiously associated with Christianity without mentioning Christ, without showing Christ, allowing for different interpretations. They divide the rites into dozens of them and according to them, they are devided by countries as well. Some of them are Scottish, York (American), Swedish, French (modern), ancient and primitive, etc etc. Freemasons have a whole constellation of their symbols, from the famous secret handshakes, all to the symbol of their presence in our community. What we can say is that the symbols we see are the symbols they want us to see, their secrecy and perfidy go much further than what is merely visible to the public. The most common symbols describe either the deity they worship, that famous Great Creator, or the values they stand for. The symbols they use in rituals are more or less familiar to us due to the flow of history, as are the types of authorities that defended and exposed them through time. These rites and their symbolism aim to totally spiritually and personally subjugate a person to their loyalty to the Lodge, its principles and beliefs. If necessary at the cost of their lives, and certainly their souls.
Are there priests who are freemasons, this is often mentioned as a justification to Catholics for membership? Were bishops Maksimilijan Vrhovac or Josip Juraj Strossmayer Freemasons? Can a layman who is a Mason be excommunicated?
There are no priests who are Freemasons, that priest who joins such an organisation automatically, Latae sententiae, excommunicated and does not belong to the Church, i.e. he is out of the grace of the Church. If he hides behind the priestly collar, all the worse for his soul, but also worse for others since it endangers the souls of other people. It is sad to see that any priests in general put themselves in a position of pure public abomination by insulting the Lord through the inauguration of Masonic lodges with a holy mass, consecration, co-inauguration or presence. I have already mentioned Msgr. Weninger, unfortunately there is also an example of higher prelates like the Italian bishop Francesco Antonio Sodda who co-inaugurated the opening of the Masonic lodge in Terni, Italy. It is assumed that the bishops Vrhovac and Strossmayer were Freemasons, it is better to say that there are indications that they were. But they themselves have never admitted or declared it, the most questionable case is that of Bishop Maksimilijan Vrhovac, after whom a lodge is named, but he himself denied this claim at the trial, in which he stated that he was not a member or supported and fremasonic lodges. This was during the trial of former Franciscan Ignacio Dominik Martinović, who was ultimately sentenced to death for spreading revolution and Freemasonry. About Catholics, can they be excommunicated for Freemasonry? The answer is yes they can, of course they are in a state of grave sin and deprived of the right to holy communion, and it is necessary to step out of that organisation, illuminate its actors with the light of truth, go through confession and often an exorcism. Freemasonry can also lead Catholics to excommunication. First, direct excommunication from the Church authorities if they wish it, secondly, denying God or participating in black masses or other types of rituals where he is automatically excommunicated. Namely, there are three apostasies from the Church: 1st Schism (those who do not recognise authority and hierarchy), 2nd Heresy (those who celebrate or promote heresy) and 3rd Apostasy (willful renunciation and denial of God). The latter is done not only through direct negation and denial of God, but also through belonging to other religions, which includes rites such as the black mass or similar rites often present in certain levels of Freemasonry. A Catholic may not be a Freemason and is strictly prohibited from joining such an organisation where the act itself represents a grave offense and a great sin. A Catholic is obliged to immediately leave such an organization, repent and confess, it is often even necessary to carry out act of exorcism.
Can a Catholic be in the company of Freemasons, without being a member of a Masonic lodge?
There is, of course, nothing that prevents a person from associating with other people of other faiths or even heresies. But there is something called reputation and honour! It is especially inappropriate for prominent Catholics from our Church and secular life, our community, associations, government etc to be seen in freemasonic circles. Personal friendships should be personal, while public presence in such circles is not appropriate. I can freely say that it is less dishonorable to see a dignitary in a brothel than in a Masonic society (we laughed briefly). Therefore, it is truly interesting that the Dicastery has just issued an instruction that Filipino bishops should carry out pastoral work in parishes through catechetical education of people about the dangers of Freemasonry. I believe that it would be good if our dignitaries, especially politicians, not to mention that some were even in comical lodges and freemasons (case of Croatian state attrney Dražen Jelenić), were taught about the dangers of freemasonry in all its forms.
Regarding the Document of the Dicastery, what is the attitude of monarchists in Croatia regarding Freemasonry, can a monarchist be a Freemason or in the company of Freemasons? What type of government is fertile ground for Freemasonry?
We certainly welcomed this Document of the Dicastery and we are glad that the Church is speaking publicly about these dangers that lurk the faithful, but also our society. For a monarchist, can he be a freemason, the answer is simple, if he is a Croatian monarchist then he can't because it goes against the principles and ideals of the Kingdom of Croatia, regardless of whether he is a believer or not. The Croatian Kingdom and the Croatian Crown have always been and are Catholic, this does not reduce the rights of freedom of religion and recognised religious minorities who have received their rights throughout the centuries. But the very foundation and principles of a Catholic monarchy, if we take those principles, they are simply not only incompatible with Freemasonry, but are also its direct opposite. Catholic culture is an integral part of our identity, regardless of whether a persan is Catholic, it is a key part of our European and especially Central European and Mediterranean belonging. Historically, one of the reasons for the creation of the first democratic republics such as the United States of America was freedom, which includes the freedom of Freemasonry without persecutions (in Catholic Monarchy) or state regulation (in Protestant Monarchy). Freemasonry, apart from the foundations of the USA through its "founding fathers", is also an important factor in the French Revolution, the Geribaldi Order and many other anti-Catholic revolutions, coups and wars.
Is Freemasonry dangerous and do you fear for your life or safety with these kinds of public interviews and statements?
Freemasonry is extremely dangerous, with of course spiritual ruin and eternal damnation, history has shown us how dangerous their influence is for the safety and lives of our community and individuals. Behind them are whole revolutions, perfidious behind-the-scenes schemes, murders... (he laughed) No, I'm not afraid of Freemasons, what can they do? Try to influence me to get fired from a government job I don't have? Their influence was enough among the ruling and influential structures, that our community and homeland have been so degraded and destroyed that what can they even threaten, most young people fled the country for a better life. After all, what kind of Catholic would I be? What kind of Catholic nobleman or knight would I be if I were afraid of those who don't even have the courage to stand behind their views with their own name? I definitely recommend people to read the Handbook of a Christian Knight (Enchiridion militis Christiani), by Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, which will strengthen the attitude of every Christian who wages a battle for what is good and right.
What is the position of the Croatian Royal Council, of which you are currently the leader and a member, regarding Freemasons? Can a CRC member be a Freemason?
Our position is very simple, the CRC strictly forbids membership to persons who are members of Freemasonic organisations. In 2019 we adopted regulations on membership to people in freemasonry lodges and associations, as well as regulations on membership in false orders, in which it is regulated that a member of the CRC who is a member of either freemasonic organisations or a holder of false nobility or chivalric or other false orders is expeled or warned to withdraw from them. The Croatian Royal Council is a Croatian monarchical association that gathers nobility, descendants of nobles and the common people, based on Christian foundations and Catholic social teaching.
And finally, what message do you have for those who are in the lap of either Masonic membership or their influence and society?
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus (Latin for: there is no salvation outside the Church), so follow the instructions of the Church. The Lord accepts all sinners and it is never too late to repent and take the right path, move away from circles and society that push you into the eternal abyss. Finally, let's remember that the Church is not a democracy, nor is the Kingdom of Heaven a republic to discuss the choice of what suits us. Strictly become part of the good, become part of the community and shed light on the darkness that surrounds this evil, denounce its actors and ultimately do not be afraid because by coming forward you are on the side of good and what is right.
The interview with ABM for the Croatian Royal Council was conducted by Domagoj Jurčić pl. Jurjević de Tuol, November 15, 2023.

The late Marijan Hanžeković who was a prominent lawyer in Croatia, as well as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Croatia
Croatian Royal Council
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