On October 21, 2023, in Zagreb the feast day of the Blessed Croatian King Charles IV was solemnly celebrated as well as the anniversary of the Croatian Proclamation of 1918. The Holy Mass and appropriate commemoration was attended by the members of the CRC as well as many other organisations and believers.
On Saturday, October 21, 2023, the Croatian Royal Council celebrated the feast day of the blessed Croatian King Charles IV in Zagreb and the anniversary of the adoption of the Croatian (Trialist) Proclamation of 1918, while paying tribute to the fallen Croats in the Great War of 1914 - 1918. The program started with appropriate opening speeches that took place in the park of King Bela IV in Gornji Grad (Upper Town), Zagreb. The highlight of the event was the holy bishop's liturgy in the Greek Catholic co-cathedral of St. Cyril and Methodius led by His Excellency Mons Milan Stipić, the Vladika (Bishop) of Križevci.
In his sermon, he emphasized the struggle and efforts of blessed King Charles IV for peace, his social efforts and help to the socially disadvantaged, orphans and widows. His dedication to moral guidance in times of war and suffering, self-sacrifice, prayer and modesty he cultivated in a difficult age. Him as an exemplary Catholic ruler and an example to others. The solemnity of the Holy Mass was contributed by the singing of the Youth Choir of the Greek Catholic Parish of Zagreb.
The event was attended by many dignitaries and organisations, among the dignitaries it should be noted the Hungarian Ambassador HE Csaba Demscak, while in addition to the usual organisations, our CRC and the Association for the Beatification of the Empress - Queen Zita, there were present representatives of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, members of the Croatian branch of the Order of St George, representatives of Renovabis as well as many faithful. After the Holy Mass, members of the Croatian Royal Council continued socialising in the Palainovka cafe according to the program.

On this occasion, we would like to thank His Excellency Mons Milan Stipić, the Vladika of Križević, especially the honorable deacon Livio Marijan, all the Greek Catholic priests, theologians and the choir for the invitation

Croatian Royal Council
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