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Gebetsliga established in Croatia!


Croatia finally joined countries around the world with the establishment of the Gebetsliga Croatia whose aim is canonization of Blessed Emperor and King Charles IV. The Gebetsliga is the largest Catholic lay organization with the goal of canonizing the Blessed King Charles IV, the last Emperor of Austria, king of Croatia, Bohemia, Hungary, etc, a monarch who died, in agony and the name of holiness, in 1922.

Blessed King Charles IV became the heir to the throne after the murder of Franz Ferdinand and his spouse Sofia in Sarajevo in 1914. Following the death of the long-lived king Franz Joseph I at the end of 1916, Blessed King Charles IV was enthroned, and soon crowned as ruler. In short two years of his actual rule, King Charles IV continually advocated for peace and cessation of hostilities. He particularly cared for and represented the interests of the poorest, which was evident by his formation of the very first ministry of social welfare on European soil. Further, with his Queen, Servant of God Zita, he founded and advocated for numerous charitable private funds for widows, orphans, war invalids, and the poor. Additionally, in a clearly defined desire to share the fate and trepidations of his peoples affected by the misfortunes of war, he ordered the reduction and simplification of meals for all members of his court. Particularly popular among Croats, this ruler was especially dear to our people for his innate ability to correctly gauge the heartbeat of the nation, which was demonstrated by his commitment to the unification of all Croatian crown lands. Blessed King Charles IV was, from his early age, connected to Croatia and the Croats, for he spent many summer months in Opatija. Though he never abdicated his throne, to end the suffering and misery of his people Blessed King Charles IV sped the conclusion of hostilities by choosing to withdraw from state affairs. In his last days and hours of life, he pledged himself and his sufferings to his peoples. He devoted himself completely to Christ, for whose most sacred heart he had a special veneration. Saint Pope John Paul II. beatified him in 2004, in Rome.

The centenary of the death of King Charles IV. 2022, members of the House of Habsburg Lorraine and various organizations, including Gebetsliga and HKRV, are present

Gebetsliga worldwide

The Emperor Karl League of Prayers for Peace Among Nations (local countries bear the title of the emperor or king depending on tradition), commonly abbreviated as The Gebetsliga, is the largest Catholic lay organization that gathers national and international branches around the world intending to advocate for the canonization of the Blessed King Karl IV. and prayers for peace among nations. The organization is headed by His Eminence Fernand Franck, archbishop emeritus of Luxembourg, and consists of representatives from many countries. The organization traces its roots back to 1895, when the Ursuline nun, Mother Vincentia Fauland, prophesied the fate of Blessed Charles as a ruler, and the severe sufferings he would endure. That year she started a small prayer circle for then-Archduke Charles, which will serve as the basis for the Gebetsliga as we know it today. Since his beatification which took place in 2004, the Gebetsliga’s main goal has been the canonization of Blessed King Charles IV, and towards that effort is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and presenting the necessary evidence before the church authorities. In addition to his canonization, the organization is dedicated to the promotion of the history, culture, life, humanitarian work, and ideals exemplified by Blessed King Charles IV, as well as prayers for peace among nations, something especially needed in this age of war and suffering.

The arrival of the relic of the blessed Charles IV. in Zagreb in 2014, CRC members with Archduchess Ana Gabriela, widow of Archduke Rudolf, the youngest son of blessed Charles IV.

Gebetsliga Croatia

In Croatia, everything starts back in 2014. with the arrival of Blessed King Charles IV's relic to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, which was acompanied by members of the Croatian Royal Council from that on ushered the beginning of work dedicated to establishing the Gebetsliga Croatia. Of note, the relic was accompanied by CRC members, and this joyous occasion marked one of our very first institutionally organized events. Since then, the CRC remains one of the few organizations that continuously organizes, or co-organizes events, commemorations, and lectures related to the commemoration of the Blessed King Charles IV. The CRC has always been dedicated to the aim of the canonization of Blessed Charles IV, which is evident in our regular prayers and offerings of holy masses towards that intention. With this devotion in heart, one of CRC’s very first organizational goals was the long-awaited access to the Gebetsliga. As a non-political organization dedicated exclusively to cultural, scientific, social, and humanitarian work, after weeks of negotiations, we are pleased to report that we have been able to gain an approved Statute for the establishment of the Gebetsliga Croatia, thus bringing it into the global community of faithful.

Gebetsliga Hrvatska (Gebetsliga Croatia) is an independent department of the Croatian Royal Council created on 15 December, 2023 through the approval of the Statue of The Department of King Charles IV. League of Prayor For Peace Among Nations. The Statute was confirmed, on behalf of the Prayer League (Gebetsliga) led by Archbishop Franck, and by representatives led by Ms. Suzanne Pearson. On behalf of the CRC, negotiations were initiated by Kristijan pl. Janković, and conducted by him and the CRC leadership. Gebetsliga was represented by Ms. Suzanne Pearson, Father Jordan Hainsey, Mr. Jeff Bedia, and Mr. Allan Barasorda. Negotiations quickly bore fruit as both sides showed genuine,  mutual appreciation and desire for access. Gebetsliga Croatia currently has 14 members, of which 2 are priests who form the basis of the work and will soon open the doors to all those who have faith in Christ in their hearts, the desire for the canonization of Blessed Charles IV. and hope and prayers for peace among nations.

The main goals of the Gebetsliga Croatia for 2024: *Mass of thanksgiving for access and establishment of the Gebetsliga Croatia; and the canonization of Blessed King Charles IV.

*Completing the proposal of the Croatian prayer for the Blessed King Charles IV according to the instruction given by the Archdiocese of Zagreb in 2021. *Audience with His Eminence Dražen Kutleša, Archbishop of Zagreb, and presentation of goals and work of Gebetsliga and the CRC *Creation of webpage sections in Croatian and English for the Gebetsliga Croatia *Furthering the currently established cooperation with Gebetsliga North America (USA and Canada) and others organizations *Holy Mass for the canonization clause of Charles IV. (April 1, 2024) *Commemoration of the Blessed King Charles IV. Feast day (October 21, 2024) *Humanitarian work in December 2024. *Regular joint prayers

Holy mass on the occasion of the feastday of blessed King Charles IV, pictures from Zagreb in 2019 and 2022

Croatian Royal Council


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