Information on Holy Mass and religious services for refugees, students and workers from Ukraine stationed in Zagreb, Croatia.
Ukrainians are predominantly Christians, due to the nature of this humanitarian catastrophe which has been effected by the War and Aggression on Ukraine, here is a list of religious services for Ukrainians living or staying in Zagreb, Croatia.

Orthodox Christians - Croatian Orthodox Church
The Croatian Orthodox Church administrates religious services and Holy Mass in Church Slavonic for all Orthodox Christians in Croatia. The Croatian Orthodox Church - Association of Croatian Orthodox Believers recognises the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and has years of pastoral experience regarding Ukrainians in Croatia, it annually celebrates a Holy Mass dedicated to Ukrainians who died in Croatia during the Homeland War (War in Croatia 1991-1995). We recommend it due to their sensitivity to the Ukrainian issue and wide support for religious needs of Ukrainian Orthodox (other Orthodox churches in Croatia have priests that might support or be tolerant of the invasion of Ukraine, so we recommend this one).
Holy Mass is celebrated each Sunday in 10:00h
Address: Domjanićeva 5, Zagreb
Contact: 095 887 4238 Archbishop +Aleksandar

Greek Catholic Christians - Eparchy of Križevci
The Eparchy of Križevci celebrates the Holy Mass in Church Slavonic it has years of experience regarding the local Ukrainian minority and community in Croatia. In these hard times of the Aggression in Ukraine it is in contact with other Greek Catholic priests in Ukraine, helping them in their needs. It has also established a Refugee Commission for Ukrainians. We recommend them for all Ukrainian Catholics, especially Greek Catholic currently in Zagreb, the Mass is celebrated in the Greek Catholic Co-cathedral of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
Holy Mass is celebrated each Sunday in 9.00 and 10.30h
Holy Mass in Ukrainian each first Sunday of the month in 10.30h
Address: Ćirilometodska 1, Zagreb
Contact: 095 887 4238 Parish Priest: Daniel Vranešić, Episcopal Vicar of Žumberak

Roman Catholic Christians - Archdiocese of Zagreb
The Archdiocese of Zagreb has a diocesan celebration of the Holy Mass in the Traditional (Tridentine) Latin form (also know as the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite). It is ideal for Roman Rite Catholics being Ukrainians or foreigners in general due to the usage of Latin and understanding of the traditional liturgy opposite to the Croatian language used in the Ordinary Form in most churches and parishes in Croatia. The Holy Mass is celebrated in the church of St Blaise, the Parish Priest is very welcoming and will help with info regarding the celebration of the Holy Mass.
Holy Mass (Traditional Latin form) is celebrated each Sunday in 16.45h
Address: Prilaz Gjure Deželića 64, Zagreb
PS in the same Parish Church there is sometimes the Holy Mass in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite in the English language organised by the Pastoral for Migrants and Tourists https://www.facebook.com/pastoralmit
Croatian Royal Council
Become a Patron and support the work of the Croatian Royal Council, you can donate to this account:
Recipient's name: Hrvatsko kraljevsko vijeće
(Croatian Royal Council)
IBAN: HR81 2340 0091 1110 8158 5
Bank: Privredna banka Zagreb
Description: Donation