On the opening day of the 7th Zrin Festival, Croatian Royal Council sent a delegation to visit old Zrin and participate in the festival’s cultural program.
Celebrating Nikola Šubić-Zrinski, the wider Šubić-Zrinski dynasty and the old Zrin lordship (from which they derive their surname), the Zrin festival has been held for seven years. This year, the festival opened with a Zagreb Soloists concert right underneath the ruins of the Gothic church of Saint Mary Magdalene. The repertoire consisted of works by Mozart, as well as great Croatian composers such as Luka pl. Sorkočević and Boris Papandopulo.

Following the concert, members of the Croatian Royal Council gave their thanks to Branka Ćubelić, also a member of the organization, on her inexhaustible enthusiasm for Croatian history and especially her work related to the Zrinski family and their hometown. Following the concert, a feast was held which allowed attendees, including well known public figures, to meet and mingle with the members of the Croatian Royal Council.

Members of Croatian Royal Council also undertook a trek to the ruins of the Old Castle Zrin which are located on the Zrin mountain, standing vigil right above the old lordship. Here the organization and a wider crowd gathered to give their tribute to one of Croatia’s greatest families. The Croatian royal banner has been raised and as the sun slowly set, the crown of Croatian Kingdom fluttered in the sky of Zrin once again.
The recording of the concert can be found on the Youtube channel of Zrin Festival

Croatian Royal Council
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